Monday, June 17, 2019

Newly Cleaned Shoes

A few weeks ago, I made a post about my shoes. Since making that post, I have had more people than I thought possible actually care about my footwear! The downfall to this interest is that more people than ever notice when my legs aren’t shaved—which is most of the time—and when my shoes are dirty—which was evidently the case until today.

Because they’re on their second season, my yellow shoes had taken some hits. They were starting to look really rough, so I decided to try out something that I’d heard—that you can wash them in the dishwasher. Sure enough, I threw them in the dishwasher with this morning’s load of dishes and they came out looking practically brand new!

As I look at the before and after pictures of my yellow shoes, I am reminded that sometimes we need to take the time to wash ourselves as well. Literally? Yes. Sometimes we are actually dirty. But figuratively is more of what I was thinking. Sometimes we need to take the time to specifically work on cleaning up the dirt and grime of bitterness, jealousy, envy, grudges, clutter, heartache, and negative thinking. No. This figurative clean-up isn’t always as easy as jumping into the dishwasher, but it IS as easy as admitting that we need help, asking God—and maybe even our friends and family—to help us, and then trying to do something different than we’ve done before.

I will think about this figurative clean when I look at my newly cleaned yellow shoes. I’ve got some things that I need to clean up in my own life. What about you?

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