Thursday, November 5, 2015

A Big Little Reminder

Last week, I had a parent come to me and share that she and her daughter were moving.
The parent’s main concern was that they might be leaving before this year’s field trip to the NC Symphony.
She said, “All my daughter has been talking about for the past six weeks has been this trip to the symphony. She comes home every week talking about all of the things that she’s learning in music class and how excited she is about the field trip.”
Inwardly shocked by what the mom had just told me, I outwardly carried on a conversation that ultimately led to the student remaining enrolled at my school through yesterday’s field trip.

Now…I suppose that it’s every teacher’s goal to actually teach her students some things.
And while I work really hard to teach my students to understand and experience music
and while I work even harder to help my students understand that music is not an isolated subject but a subject connected to every other
and while I work even harder to let my students know that they are safe with me and that they are loved,
I must confess that I didn’t really think that my students were actually learning anything—
That they might actually be going home and telling their parents about music class—
That I might actually be accomplishing my goals.
Even when I see progress—
Even when I give an assessment that clearly shows that musical knowledge has grown—
I still didn’t necessarily believe that my students were actually learning beyond my hut.

Until last week’s conversation.

While talking to that parent,
I felt as if an educational angel were shining a light upon me and confirming that I’m doing the work that I need to be doing right now—
Not just because I know that I’m doing more ministry now than when I was in full-time ministry—
But because I’m helping ignite a spark for learning in my students—
Because I’m helping “inspire” them, which is exactly what a student said after yesterday’s concert.

I don’t know about you, friends, but I think that every once in awhile each of us needs to be reminded that our lives are making a difference.
Consider this your reminder tonight.
No matter who we are. Where we come from. What we look like. How well we perform.
Each of our lives makes a difference to someone somewhere somehow.
Even when we don’t really believe it.

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