Thursday, February 5, 2015

World Peas

Yesterday was Amelia's 7th birthday.
Each year for her family party she chooses the menu and dinner attire.
I don't remember the menu from last year, but I remember that we were all charged to wear pajamas. I like pajama parties.
This year, she chose for each of us to wear a sweatshirt and sweatpants, and for her "comfort party" menu she chose:
Soup, potatoes, and peas.
Yes. Peas.
She's seven.
So at the party on Tuesday night, we had chicken noodle soup, tomato bisque soup, potatoes, and peas.
Now, I don't really like peas, but I love Amelia, so I dutifully put a spoonful of peas on my plate. Everyone else did, too.
Yet at the end of the party, there were still a lot of remaining peas in the pea bowl.
We are a one bag of peas family. Not two.
Not knowing about the remaining peas but living in a general state of excitement, Amelia said, "Hey daddy. If there are any peas left, maybe you could put some in my thermos for lunch tomorrow."
Finley told her that were peas leftover and that that could probably be arranged.
Amelia was thrilled.
At the thought of peas. In her thermos. For lunch.
If only there were more people in the world like Amelia--
excited by possibility,
creative in thought,
appreciative of friends and family,
eyes aglow from the happiness of life--
Then maybe we would have world peace...
One pea at a time.

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