Monday, August 25, 2014

Defining Moments: Texting Love and Heartbreak

I began texting on January 13, 2006.

I remember the day and those first texting moments because they occurred while I was waiting for Griffin to enter this world.

Even though I still have what most people consider a dumb phone, things have changed drastically in my texting life since those first moments of filling in the blanks. Yes. I actually wrote out 160 blanks so that I could maximize the messages that I was planning to send!

I now have unlimited texting and send thousands of texts per month. I no longer have to look at what I’m writing to write something that actually makes sense. And I no longer use my phone to talk to people on a regular basis; instead, for better or for worse, my people and I usually just write.

So I knew something was off when I received a text Saturday that said, “Call me. It’s an emergency.”
And it was an emergency.
So I called.
And in the days since that call, I have written countless texts that I never imagined I’d write—some of which have turned into accidental poetry:
I just keeping shaking my head.
I don’t even know how to think.
Like my thoughts don’t formulate.
I start to speak and nothing really comes out.
There’s nowhere to begin or end.
There’s just no making sense of this.

One of which makes me cry every time I think of it:
He’s dead.

Another of which is the most important thing you or I can ever say to one another:
I love you so much.

I suppose it sounds trivial to say that the day I began to text was a defining moment in my life. Yet right now, during one of the most heart-breaking times of my life, I am beyond grateful to be able to communicate to those I love, anytime I want, middle of the night included:
I’m with you.
You are never, ever alone.
We will make it through this. Together. Somehow.
I love you so much.
I love you so very, very much…


My best friend’s five-month old son, Sam, died Saturday afternoon. This is the link to his obituary. Please pray for his family:

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