Monday, June 30, 2014

Help To Survive

I’ve been to a lot of weddings, but I’ve never been a bridesmaid—
Which is fine because I’ve not had to buy a lot of one-time-wear-only dresses—
Instead I’ve been a musician—
Which is fine, too, because I’ve not had to stand in front of everyone while trying to hide my inevitable tears of beauty and joy.

This past weekend, however, I think I may have been close to being a bridesmaid.

I, the trumpeter, had the privilege of spending a lot of time with the bride.
As the only non-family member and non-parent hanging around the mountain house—
The wedding was atop Appalachian Ski Mountain and very beautiful—
I got to be the errand-runner, emergency fire-putter-outer, picture-taker, dog-walker, dog-sitter, bride-dresser, bride-chauffer, bride-whisperer…
And it was pretty cool.

But here’s the coolest part.

As part of the wedding ceremony during which I heralded the bride’s arrival,
The bride and groom did something I’d never seen.
Instead of
Lighting a unity candle,
Mixing salt or sand, or
Sharing their first communion—
All of which are beautiful symbols of marriage—
They planted a vine together.
They each had a vase of soil from their family farms,
Brought down the aisle by their parents,
That they mixed together to plant a fragrant vine,
The Stephanotis Vine—
That they will tend to and grow,
Just as they must tend to and grow their marriage.

Both need
food and water,
light and air,
space to flourish, and
room to mature.

Both take
pruning, and


Steady love.
Intentional love.
Sacrificial love.
Determined love.

Both need help beyond themselves to survive.

…Family and friends,
Bridesmaids and Grooms-people,
Trumpeters and four-legged children,
The thoughts and prayers of those who looked on as
God blessed and literally watered the vine being planted by
Hands joined together in love…

The stephanotis vine and the newly married couple
Both need help beyond themselves to survive.

We do, too, friends.

And I consider it a privilege to do my part—
Even if it means buying a dress.

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