Saturday, March 9, 2013

I Am Learning

I am learning that I feel more comfortable ministering to people who have requested my presence. In those situations, I am able to walk into the room knowing that I am wanted instead of questioning whether or not my presence is more of a burden than a help.

I am learning that I have come a long way in my ability to sit in silence and wait. Instead of quickly filling periods of silence, I am now able to let silence resonate and see what might come.

I am learning that even though I don’t understand prayer, I find myself praying with a genuine heart…and that when the person I’m praying with or for responds with affirmations of, “Yes, Jesus,” or “Thank you, Lord,” it empowers me to pray more boldly.

I am learning that it’s wonderful to be able to walk away from a situation knowing that I don’t have to carry it alone.

I am learning that problems don't always resolve quickly.

I am learning that to some people the minister really does represent the presence of God and that ministry is a very humbling place to be.

I am learning that maybe things don’t go wrong--maybe things just go differently than we plan.

I am learning that respecting cultures and boundaries is sometimes very tricky. Sometimes my genuine expressions of presence, care, concern, admiration, and thanksgiving unintentionally cross the receivers’ boundaries of acceptable behavior. How, then, am I to be myself while being respectful of others’ unspoken boundaries?

I am learning that waking up each day and being able to get myself out of bed to get dressed and start my day truly is a gift. There are so many people who must depend on caregivers to fill all or part of their needs. To be able use the bathroom by myself, eat my own food, shop for my own groceries and clothes (as much as I don’t like the latter), take my own medicine, cut on and off the television and change the channels as I desire, type on this computer using both of my hands…those things are gifts…and I must not take them for granted.
I am learning that a wonderful thing about not having a full-time job is the ability and freedom to help friends and family members with my presence when they need it.

I am learning that sometimes all I can do is show up with my comfy shoes on and see what happens.

I am learning that with as much as has been lost, there is still so much more.

I am learning that life really is a blessing and that to embrace it in its fullness is the deepest act of worship that I can present to God.

What about you? What are you learning these days?

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