Thursday, December 6, 2012

Yet Through It All

This hasn’t been my best week.

I got plowed into by a large man on Monday night and heard a large crash at the house.

My printer ran out of color ink on Tuesday and made my Christmas letters look sub-par.

Yesterday, after choosing to stay on four lane highways that I thought would be safer and better lit than two lane back roads, I ran into some boxes in the middle of a very dark Hwy 421 N and pulled off my right fender, a portion of the right bumper, busted a headlight, disconnected some wires, and punctured an obvious hole in my windshield wiper fluid container.

Today, I woke up with a very bad headache after having difficult dreams all night.

I told my parents that I was trying really hard not to be discouraged, but I must admit that the trying is very hard.

Yet through it all:

I was able to keep that large man from experiencing major injuries by breaking his fall and I was able to help my parents clean out their closet after it crashed…even if my dad was sitting in a chair giving orders because of his sore body and busted knee.

I got to have lunch with a dear friend earlier that Monday. Spending time with her always brings a lot of laughter and helps me keep life in perspective.

I was still able to send out over 30 Christmas letters on Tuesday and people actually wanted to read them.

I had the privilege of cleaning my friend Flora’s house yesterday. She just turned 83 years old and is a joy to be around. After calling in reinforcements to help with cleaning and companionship, I was able to get one bathroom and the kitchen super clean…and it feels good to see something move from dirty to clean.

I was moved to a tearful grin by a Facebook book post that a friend dedicated to me.

I was able to drive my car home after the boxes busted it up. I have no idea what was in the boxes, but whatever it was hurt GiGi pretty badly. I wasn’t hurt. The car can be repaired. Being home last night allowed me to watch one of my shows with my mom. My dad is letting me borrow his car today so that I can still go on the trip that I was planning—albeit one day delayed. I get to see one of my favorite kids debut on stage tonight and I get to hang out with one of my closest friends tomorrow and help her prepare for a move.

I was able to eat a lunch paid for by my dad, drink some water, make some coffee in the Keurig, and take some medicine for the headache that seems to be subsiding, and I was able to complete a devotional writing for my church’s Advent devotional. I was able to study Zephaniah a bit and find encouragement in the prophet’s words.


This hasn’t been my best week. Yet. I have so much for which to be thankful.

For friends, family, traveling mercies, food, medicine, and the ability to share life with others through time and writing…Thank you, God. Thank you. Amen.

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