Friday, September 9, 2011

Are We Friends Now?

My fortune yesterday said that I was soon going to change my present line of work.

I joked with a friend that maybe I could become a professional Facebook updater.

She told me if she were independently wealthy, then she would hire me to write all of her stuff.

I told her that maybe we could write something together and become independently wealthy.

She asked if I had an idea.

I suddenly did.

It's nothing new or revolutionary. Just the story of how two unlikely women have become friends while living into something that can only be described as God-sized courage.

She told me that maybe I should start writing.

I told her that if she told me where to start, then maybe I would.

But then I thought of where I could start...

"Are we friends, now? Because I think we're actually friends. Are we?"
Smiling, "Yes, I think we're friends."

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