Monday, July 18, 2011

Some Thoughts From This Female Brain

I wrote this last Monday but didn't have time to post it before leaving the office for a conference for work. I think it's funny, so I'm going to post it here :-):

I picked up a rental car this morning. This time it’s a black Dodge Charger. Evidently, my boss’s niece is so excited for me that she screamed.

I had never before gone to Enterprise to pick up a car. They’ve always delivered it to the office. So I didn’t know how long the process could take—even with a reservation.

I walked in to chaos. There were twenty people in the office, three of whom worked there, all guys. Initially, no one greeted me. I had no idea what I was supposed to do, so I stood and waited. More people came in and did the same.

After waiting for over 20 minutes, someone asked for my license. After a few more minutes, one of the workers asked who was next but no one knew. So I stood to claim my car. The paperwork had been sitting there all along. I signed. Waited for a few more minutes. Then walked outside to pick up the black Dodge Charger.

The whole process took around 45 minutes. I’m thinking it shouldn’t have taken that long. I’m also thinking that if there had been a woman in the office, then the process would have been a little more organized.

I’m thinking that last part because I’ve been doing brain research all weekend. I’ve been reading about the spiritual brain, the teenage brain, the male brain, the female brain, the brain brain…and now my brain hurts from all of the brain research.

I’ll be leaving in a few minutes to drive to Florida for Blume (National Acteens Convention). I’ve been working to get ready for Blume for a solid two weeks but I’m still not fully prepared. I’m in charge of our South Carolina booth. This morning, I brought in donuts to say thank you to everyone who helped get it ready. I’m in charge of a conference on the teen brain, hence the brain research. And I’m in charge of a Bible study with high school seniors. I like high school seniors. I’m glad I got assigned to them.

I have directions, instructions, papers, banners, videos, Willard the Computer, a projector, Gladys the GPS, bamboo, crafting hemp, craft supplies, a suitcase full of clothes, Stanley, and a black Dodge Charger ready to go. I do not, however, have internet access once I leave, so this Monday note will be my one note for the week. I know. It makes you sad. It makes me sad, too. Thankfully, I can post status updates and Stanley pictures via my smart phone. Not my super intelligent phone. Just my smart phone.

I’m nervous about driving to Disney in the black Dodge Charger. I’m somewhat anxious about my conference on the teen brain. Remember that my brain hurts from all of the information. And when the brain hurts, it tends to shut down to protect itself rather than kicking into gear to design a conference. I have no idea what to expect from Blume. I’ve never been. And I have no idea what to expect from staying at Disney. I’ve never done that either.

But I’m breathing. And trying to let the stress pass through my body rather than sitting with it like I sat with it at the rental place this morning. And I’m glad I’ll see my grandmother on the way. And I’m glad for the opportunity to travel with my job. And I’m glad that I’ll see some of my Acteens and their leaders at the conference. And I’m glad I’m going to Disney. And that I have a female brain.

Yes. I’m glad that I have a female brain.

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