Monday, October 11, 2010

Let Me Carry The Weight of The World With You

One of my longest standing theological questions is how prayer works. I've read numerous texts on prayer, had countless conversations about prayer, spent many hours in prayer, had quite a few revelations in regard to prayer...and mind always seems to get wrapped up in the same question: how does prayer work?

While I had come to a somewhat steady peace in regard to "how prayer works" in my own personal life--in the relationship that is built between God and me as I spend time talking with and listening to God as the days and times go by--I hadn't come anywhere close to a steady peace in regard to "how prayer works" for other people. When I earnestly pray for something in someone else's life, does it influence what happens in his/her life? Do my prayers change God's mind and influence God's decisions? If so, does the person with the best, most persistent prayers "win"? And what does that mean for God's unchanging, sovereign nature? If not, what's the point of praying for other people and situations beyond my contol? If God already knows what's going to happen and has pre-ordained it to be so, then am I not just a puppet living out God's script? And so my mind confuses me...and yet I still pray...

As I wrote a few weeks ago, one of the things that I know that I did right in my life was to begin counseling in 2007. Through my time with my counselor, I learned the importance of finding my voice--of giving words to my thoughts and feelings and thus allowing someone beyond myself to help carry the grief, hurt, heartache, joy, celebration, and whatever other emotion I felt. Somehow, realizing that there was one person who unconditionally loved me, cared for me, supported me, and cheered for me allowed me to see all of the other people who were and always had been doing the same. It changed my perspective and opened my eyes to begin to see and feel everything good around me--even when life, on the surface, appeared to me the exact same...

Last Tuesday, I began encouraging a friend who has always stuffed things inside to begin letting them out. As she began the process, she commented on how nice it felt. In my mind, I imagined her hidden words/emotions flowing out as light slowly began to flow in...

Last Thursday, after asking our staff for prayer requests, Boss opened our staff meeting with a variation of this prayer (I can't remember her exact words but the idea has been stuck in my mind ever since): Dear God, Thank you for the privilege that we have of coming to you in prayer and for the time that we've had to share our requests and know that in so sharing we are allowing others to help carry our burdens...

So maybe that's it. Maybe that's how intercessory prayer "works." Maybe by praying for one another, we are helping each other carry life's grief, hurt, heartache, joy, and celebration. Maybe we are helping hidden words and emotions flow out so that light can flow in. Maybe we are reminding one another that none of is alone and in so doing changing perspective and opening eyes to begin to see and feel everything good around us--everything that comes from God. Maybe it doesn't change the circumstance but changes us in the circumstance and provides companionship and support for those for whom we are praying until the circumstance that they are in changes for itself.

So how does prayer work? I don't know exactly. And I don't know that I ever will. But I feel like I am one step closer to coming to a steady peace...and I am grateful for the simple prayer that collided with a few other simple truths (maybe prayers in and of themselves?) that pushed me forward in my faith.

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