Monday, January 6, 2025

The Loving-Kindness of God


We worshipped through lessons and carols at church yesterday. 

This was somewhat counter-cultural since most people have long since put up their Christmas decorations and music. 

But it was a lovely service that included a lot of beautiful Christmas music and 

Some of the most beloved scripture passages of all times. 


Just before the official lessons and carols began, 

Pastor Ann led a portion of the service that served as the prayers of the people. 

I was following along and offering my solidarity in prayer 

Until she almost finished. 

She prayed, 

“(We pray for) all who do not know the loving kindness of God,”

And my eyes filled with tears.

We often pray for those who are lost or hurting, 

Those lonely or unloved,

Those sick or dying, 

Those poor or marginalized. 

We even sometimes pray for those who do not know Christ. 

But something about those words yesterday--

Something about not knowing the loving kindness of God--

Stopped me in my tracks.


As Pastor Ann continued praying,

I got lost in a litany of names and lives.  

I know so many people who view God as a God of harsh judgment and punishment. 

I know so many people who have experienced hatred, manipulation, and control in the name of God and can therefore not understand God any other way.


Truth be told,

I used to be one of those people myself.

I thought of God as a being in the sky, with a long beard and clipboard, keeping record of wrongs, and waiting to strike when too many transgressions occurred.


But that’s not God. 

God is love.

And the story of God and God’s people demonstrates this love time and time again,

Especially in Jesus’s life. 


So I pray for those who do not know the loving kindness of God. 

I pray that, somehow, they will know loving kindness toward themselves, 

And that that understanding will transfer to God, the origin of Love,

Then back to self and then back to God

In a never- ending cycle of love.



Thursday, January 2, 2025

A New Year's Resolution (Of Sorts)


Tuesday was Barb the Great’s birthday.

I always spend the day with her to celebrate

And Tuesday was no exception.

Except it was. 


I drove up to Barb’s midday. 

we had lunch and then we drove to Starbucks to get the most expensive free birthday drink we could think of.

Afterwards, we went to a plant store and looked at plants for ourselves and our loved ones. 

When I tried to send a plant picture to my sister, I noticed that I didn’t have signal. 

Figuring that I was just in a dead zone, 

I was annoyed,

But I didn’t think too much of it. 

When we left the store, though, and I still didn’t have signal, I began to realize that something was weird. 

I restarted my phone, 

As one does when there are technological issues, 

And I got a message that said

No SIM card detected. 

That’s what I knew that something had gone really wrong.

Barb said that the same thing had happened to her awhile back and that she had to go to the Verizon store to get it fixed.

So she told me to go.


So I went.



Without cell signal,

I felt weird.

I worried that I would wreck or break down and not be able to contact anyone.

I worried that someone would need to contact me and not be able to reach me.

I worried that I would lose my way and not be able to get directions. 

I couldn’t listen to my music or a book. 

I couldn’t mindlessly check my texts or Facebook when sitting at a stoplight.

My normal creature comforts had been taken away and 

I was all out of sorts. 


But it made me think.

I think maybe we’ve become too connected,

Or at least too dependent on the possibility of instant connection.

I think maybe we’ve lost the ability to sit and wait and be bored. 

I think maybe we’ve succumbed to a culture of fear that plagues us with thoughts of what if

If we’re not instantly connected.

And I think maybe we would grow a little if we could live counter culturally 

And put our phones down.


I think maybe I could anyway. 

But I think that doing so will be very very hard.


I got a taste of it, 

by accident, 

on Tuesday

And I didn’t like it.

But I survived. 

And I think maybe I can survive a little each day

With a few simple modifications. 


I’m not going to make any promises.

I’m not going to make any resolutions. 

But I am going to try, 

To be counter-cultural and not let fears and what-ifs control me, 

Especially around technology, 

Which I know we need,

But that can too easily take over our lives. 


I’m thankful that my SIM card issue was an easy fix. 

I’m thankful that I got back to Barb in time to have her birthday dinner. 

I’m thankful for technology and all that is allows us to do. 

And I’m thankful for the ability to grow and change. 

Especially when it makes us better. 

